About TQS

Technology and Quality on Systems

The Company

The Company provides an innovative software, compreensive and robust, in transparent and professional way, together with an efficient technical support, in order to help their clients in the complex and competitive art of structural design elaboration. This is our focus.

A Brazilian company, founded in 1986, by structural civil engineers, that criates, developes and sells software for designing of buildings structures and foundations elements.

Products and Packages

Our main products are the TQS (prestressed and reinforced concrete), Masonry (structural mansonry), PREO (precast) and SISEs (geotechnics)

We sell the different packages (Full, Unipro, EPP etc.), which is chosen in accordance to the structure to be designed.

With our packages you can make from a small house to a tall building, for residential, commercial or industrial use.

Medium buildings, small and large scale modeled within the TQS.

Remarkable numbers

Numbers that proof and certify our leadership conquered throughout the last years.

105 buildings with more than 40 storeys had their structures calculated with the TQS.
Among 50 most actuating companies on the structural design sector in Brazil, 48 use the TQS software.
12,000+ buildings with more than 20 storeys and 31,500+ with less than 20 storeys were calculated wtih TQS.

Click here to see more statistics.

More than clients, we have partners

Competency, ethics, honesty, and transparency in the relationship with our clients for more than decades.

Some of TQS clients
São Paulo
França & Assoc.
E.T.J.Kassoy &.M.Franco.
Pasqua & Graziano
E.T.Cesar P.Lopes.
C.E.C. Eng.
Pedreira Eng.
Feitosa & Cruz
Eduardo Penteado Eng.
Teca Eng.
Modus Eng.
J.R.Ferrari Eng.
GB Projetos
Aluizio A.M. D´Avila
Vendramini Eng.
Engeti Cons. Eng.
Escr.Tec. Mandacaru Guerra
Monteiro Linardi
Sayeg Eng.
MHA Eng.
Genese Eng.
EGT Eng.
João Rubens G.Leao & Assoc.
Claudio Puga Eng.
Alleoni Eng.
Planear Eng.
Living Construtora
Grifa Eng.
Inner Eng.
Arup Brasil Cons.
Promon Eng.
Exata Eng.
Aymo Eng.
Estrucalc Eng. Assoc.
Gepro Eng.
Somatec Eng.
Projeto Delta Eng.
Praxis Eng.
Poyry Tecn.
Sistran Eng.
Sica & Sica Eng.
Gama Z Eng.
Genpro Eng.
Zamarion e Millen
Statura Eng.
Allure Eng.
Stec do Brasil
Arque-Cal Proj.Estr.
LY Eng.
MK Proj. Estr.
Salce Eng.
MCP Eng.
Favale e Assoc.
Gibson Eng.
LN Eng.
Telecki Arq. de Proj.
Mitsutec Eng.
Geometrica Eng.
NG Eng. Estr.
F.T. Oyamada Eng. Assoc.
Lubas Proj. Cons.
Kurkdjian & Fruchtengarten
Gama e Souza Arq.e Eng.
Grupo Dois Eng.
Metrica LJ Eng.
JDS Eng.
Saga Eng.
KTY Cons. e Proj.
JNDS Constr.
Ycon Eng.
Plancton Eng.
RGK Eng.
Pairol Eng.
Outec Eng.
Projcon Eng.
Ruy Bentes Eng.
Orlando Stranieri Eng.
Planservi Eng.
Techint Eng.
Naccache Eng.
Novo Tempo Sol.Eng.
Werebe Mordo
Pouguett Eng.
Cat Eng.
Some clients that use the TQS PREO
São Paulo
EGT Engenharia
Carlos Melo e Assoc.
Zamarion & Millen
Ruy Bentes
Eduardo Penteado
Modus Eng.
Rio Claro
São José do Rio Preto
Migliore e Pastore
Premoldados Protendit
Belo Horizonte
SEI Consult. e Proj.
D.O. Eng.
Africa Constr. e Prot.
IACC Pre-Moldados
Some clinets that use the TQS Masonry
Porto Alegre
Knijnik Eng.
São Paulo
Cláudio Puga
Arnoldo Wendler
São Carlos
J.R. Andrade
Renato Andrade
Santo André
Rausse & Benvenga
São José dos Campos
Solofund Engenharia
Moya Eng.
Belo Horizonte
Pi Engenharia
Ribeirão das Neves
Francisco Beltrão
Cleverson Z. V.
Fernando Marcondes
TOR Engenharia
Luiz Alberto de Carvalho
J. A. Linhares

Statement from some of Brazilian greatest engineering

We are surprised by the way the company solves the structural problems. We compared our working process with one of the greatest north american companies, on the designing of reinforced concrete elements as well in steel, and came to the conclusion that we are a step ahead of them, which makes us very satisfied.

Dr. Mário FrancoE.T. Julio Kassoy e Mario Franco - São Paulo, SP.

Our designs show today a quality level much higher than before. In every design we perfom simulations, where several alternatives were testes, which it was almost impossible some years ago. Nowadays, the computer that does the most part of the mechanical calculation operations and alows our engineers to be free in their activities and more suitable to their real competency: think and create.

Eng. Vitor Faustino PereiraEstrutural - Londrina, PR.

Click here to see more clients testimony Click here to view the detailed list of clients.

Much more than a software

A software of excellence is just the beginning, as the support to our client is always our priority.

TQS has a committed and capable team to provide a high quality of technical support.


Team of structural engineers committed in provide a superior quality technical support.
TQS provides live and distance training.


Live training through the Web. . Specialized training..

TQS-Community (Be a member), Digital library, TQSNews (free of charge) etc.

TQS Systems

The Systems

Integrate an advanced analisys with an automatic generation of drawings, in a productive and practical way, together with the other disciplines of the design and construction, in order to make possible for the engineer create his structures fully optimized. This is the purpose of the TQS systems.


The TQS systems have resources that make the structural design elaboration a process very productive. As from the conception through the plan printing, all phases are automatized.

Safety + Economy

Safety is necessary. Economy wherever it is possible. The TQS systems have exclusive resources that allow a differentiated structural analisys and a precise assessement of the designand detailing of the structural elements, resulting on a direct impact on safety and final cost of the structure.


Own roboust graphical platform. It has advanced graphical resources, exclusive and innovative method for modeling, specific made for designing of reinforced concrete structures, whereas it was used and approved by the greatest design offices in Brazil.

BIM / Interoperability

The TQS systems are fully compatible in designs elaborated within the BIM context, i.e. by using Revit® and/or IFC.


Adapted for the most recent normative revisions (NBR 6118/2014, NBR 15200: 2012, NBR 15.575: 2013, NBR 9062: 2006, NBR 15812: 2010, NBR 15961: 2011, CIRSOC 103, CIRSOC 201). Each version of the TQS systems is rigorously tested, both operationally and regarding its results.

Constant Evolution

In average, every one and a half year a new version of TQS is released with significant improvement. A solid advance in the future direction.

Return of investment

Assurance of always be ahead on systems technology for reinforced concrete structural design, a definite solution. Guarantee of migration for smaller packages to larger packages using the same operational philosophy providing commercial advantages and ensure of constant evolution.